Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hmmm . . . What should I tell?

So this is my first blog. I've tried this kind of thing before and never really liked it. But pretty much all of my friends have this thing so I thought I might give it a try. Especially since two of them keep begging me to.

I'm sooooooooooo glad to out of school for the summer. I was in desparate need of a break. I know some of you want to see the art projects that I worked on this semester, but as of yet I still do not have a digital camera and am therefore unable to post pictures. Not to mention that I haven't even taken any with a regular camera yet. :) Maybe I can borrow someone's camera.

I'm going home this weekend. Angie and I are going to do some major scrapbooking tomorrow night. My goal is to finish at least 10 pages. I'm so far behind it's rediculous. At least 4 1/2 years. Maybe I should increase my goal.

I started working on the Christmas presents for my brother and his family. Finished the first one last night; or rather early this morning. 1 quillow down 7 to go. For those of you that have no idea what a quillow is, it is a blanket/quilt that has a pocket sewn to one end and can be folded up to make a pillow. Therefore it can be one or the other but not both at the same time.

I'll post again when I get back. No doubt I'll have an interesting antidote about a neice of nephew.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY for new blogs!!! =)