Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Shadrack's Story

Ok so at the end of my last blog I mentioned that Shadrack (our 9-year-old dog) had been hurt. Well here's the whole story!

I can't remember what day it was or anything but Shadrack had been gone to the neighbor's house for the last day or so. This is nothing new he goes over there all the time and they all love him and even feel like he's almost there dog too. The thing is when he came home I went out to pet him and he was all dirty and nasty and bleeding. So we took him out on the deck and gave him a bath. We found a puncture wound of the top of his neck that was bleeding and then the underside of his neck was really raw but not bleeding. So we treated him with some spray medicine that Dad had and made him stay in the house. Dad called the neighbor and asked if Snoopy (their dog and Shadrack's son) had been hurt too. (He had, but Snoopy never had to go to the Vet!)

The next day Shadrack was really sore and didn't want to go out for anything. But by that evening we made him go out and do his business. In the middle of the night he was a real pest so Mom let him out and he went back over to the neighbor's house.

Dad went and got him early the next morning and took him to the vet's. Dad had to carry him into the office he was so week. The vet gave him fluids, antibiotics, and pain medicine and wanted to keep him overnight. They said they would give him a bath and check him over before Dad came to get him the next day. But when Dad got him they hadn't cleaned him up. Dad brought him home anyway.

So Mom gave him a bath and found a spot that was draining. They called the vet and he said it had to drain. So we left it alone. A couple days later Mom couldn't stand the smell of the draining junk anymore and she decided to give him another bath. And wash the rugs he'd been sleeping on. When she gave him the bath she found these gaping holes in his neck. Dad could see his esophagus so back to the vet he went. They said they would keep him for a few days and do surgery to remove the dead skin and stitch him up. When they did the surgery they said they could see his jugular vein! Eek!

Finally he got to come home, but then he was scratching his stitches and they were pulling apart again. So he went back to the vet. They stitched him up again and now they are keeping him. Mom said he has at least 12 to 18 inches of stitches. Poor guy!

Anyway Shadrack is still at the vet's. Hopefully he'll come home in a few days!

Just a reminder. If anyone has a good name for our colt let me know!

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